Citizen Scientists at work!
The St. Marys Riverkeeper continually samples water all along our watershed. We maintain this rather extensive water sampling data as a powerful resource to protect our wonderful river for now… and to continue protecting it into the future. Tracking water quality is a quantifiable tool that can either reassure us that the water is good… or confirm that there is a problem and thus lead us upriver to find it.
The St. Marys Riverkeeper is focused on identifying sources of non-point-source pollution in our watershed through a dedicated citizen science water quality monitoring effort. We use Georgia Adopt-a-Stream monitoring protocols and share our data with their network to ensure transparency. We sample over 50 sites throughout the watershed using staff as well as trained volunteers to perform chemical and bacterial water quality monitoring throughout the watershed, which we then report to local and state environmental agencies and to the community.

Thank you to our 2023 Water Quality Program Sponsors
Rayonier Community Fund Grant
Cliff Company, Inc